Ruben does it all — songwriting, performing, producing. From the start, he’s been an inspiration for us, so we had to ask: “What's your dream acoustic?”
Ruben does it all — songwriting, performing, producing. From the start, he’s been an inspiration for us, so we had to ask: “What's your dream acoustic?”
“I wanted a guitar that current me and 15-year-old me would love. Comfort was key, making it ideal for beginners to learn and grow, while still meeting the demands of what I need to perform now.”
“I wanted a guitar that current me and 15-year-old me would love. Comfort was key, making it ideal for beginners to learn and grow, while still meeting the demands of what I need to perform now.”
A new finish, electronics, and strings? Check, check, and check.
A new finish, electronics, and strings? Check, check, and check.